SmCity URB Next 100 Feature

Turn to page 45 of URB Mags latest issue to find the feature... My first national press. Nowhere to go but up yall.. Project on the way for the summer. Long overdue.. I can't believe its been 3+ years since I put a project out. Anybody that still has their copy of "Once Upon A Time" hold on to it and I promise I will make it a collectible. Here is an excerpt from the article: "There have been few MC's with the power to walk between both worlds; attaining success while simultaneously commanding the respect of the indie music aficionados. SimCity's mission is to market the message, to package the struggle, to brand the revolution. The music mirrors his hometown of Washington DC, bringing the ghetto and politics face to face..."

Monday, April 6, 2009

Politics As Usual

Innerloop records has to be doing the most innovative and entertaining events in the city with their beatdown and classic album remixes. I really felt proud to be a part of these projects... not something I'm used to feeling when it comes to DMV hip hop. I really feel like we have a handful of artists that can join the ranks of hip hop's elite if given the right push.. and all of them were in the building on that night. I had to break out the suit and tie without a Reasonable Doubt for this I left with the sense that years from now people will be talking about events like these.. when XO, AP, Pro, Lyriciss, beta, etc. were all in the same room.. kicking it before they made it big. Just like when I saw Backstage for the first time, and they showed a young HOV rapping on a pool table... a million fans were wishing they could have been there in the embryonic stages of greatness. Artist's always come in waves and classes.. which is why that XXL cover made so much noise... and this wave of artists from the DMV have an understanding of the game like never before. I don't see us making the same mistakes as our predecessors and I hope we don't fall into the normal politics of the industry. That,"I must keep you down to secure my spot mentality"... see that elitist shit will be their downfall. I looked out and put my people onto whatever I had @ my disposal since day one and that's just my nature, but the residuals of that type of energy is that those same people will put you on in the same spirit.. "Nobody will fall cause everyone will be each other's crutches." Thats how my crew does it; my success is yours and vice versa. Twenty20.

Download the entire DMV Reasonable Doubt Remix project here